Permanent Marker


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I know he loved you a long time ago I ain't jealous of you, just thought you should know You were never good enough for him or anything like me So you might as well sit back 'cause I ain't trying to show maturity

昔、彼は君を愛していたことは知ってるわ 私は君を妬んでなんかない、ただ知っておいてね 君は彼にふさわしい人間じゃなかったし、私みたいでもなかった だから落ち着いて、私は大人ぶろうとはしないのよ

"X" is the shape I drew through your face In permanent marker, oh, yeah Just like the mark you knew you were making Who do you think you are To write on his heart in permanent marker?

彼の顔に書いた「X」は、消えないマーカーで まるで、君が彼に与えた傷跡のように 一体、誰だと思っているの 彼の心に消えないマーカーで名前を書くなんて

I found that picture of you in that green dress He sure had a good time cleaning up that mess He found thirty other pieces but he'll never find them all Tried to tape it back together, now he knows to keep it off the wall

あの緑のドレスを着た君の画像を見つけたわ 彼はきっと、あの混乱を片付けるのに苦労したのでしょうね 彼は30個の破片を見つけたけど、全部は見つからないでしょう テープで貼り合わせようとしたけれど、もう壁には飾れないわね

"X" is the shape I drew through your face In permanent marker, oh, yeah Just like the mark you knew you were making Who do you think you are To write on his heart in permanent marker? "X" is the shape I drew through your face In permanent marker, oh, yeah Oh, just like the mark you knew you were making Who do you think you are To write on his heart? "X" is the shape I drew through your face In permanent marker, oh, yeah Just like the mark that you knew that you were making Who do you think you are To write on his heart in permanent marker?

彼の顔に書いた「X」は、消えないマーカーで まるで、君が彼に与えた傷跡のように 一体、誰だと思っているの 彼の心に消えないマーカーで名前を書くなんて 彼の顔に書いた「X」は、消えないマーカーで まるで、君が彼に与えた傷跡のように 一体、誰だと思っているの 彼の心に消えないマーカーで名前を書くなんて 彼の顔に書いた「X」は、消えないマーカーで まるで、君が彼に与えた傷跡のように 一体、誰だと思っているの 彼の心に消えないマーカーで名前を書くなんて

In permanent marker Oh, permanent marker, yeah

消えないマーカーで 消えないマーカー、そうよ



Taylor Swift の曲


