Get Over It


Amazon 公式
今日だけの特価で Amazon の人気の商品を買おう!

I turn on the tube and what do I see? A whole lot of people crying, "Don't blame me" They point their crooked little fingers at everybody else Spend all their time feeling sorry for themselves Victim of this, victim of that Your mamma's too thin and your daddy's too fat

テレビをつけたら、何が見える? みんな泣いてて、"私のせいじゃない"って言ってる みんな指をさして、他人を責めてる いつも自分を哀れんで、時間は過ぎる この人の被害者だ、あの人の被害者だ ママはガリガリで、パパはデブすぎる

Get over it Get over it All this whining and crying and pitching a fit Get over it, get over it

忘れろ 忘れろ この泣き叫び、ぐずぐず、かんしゃくを起こすのは 忘れろ、忘れろ

You say you haven't been the same since you had your little crash But you might feel better if I gave you some cash The more I think about it, Old Billy was right Let's kill all the lawyers, kill 'em tonight You don't want to work, you want to live like a king But the big, bad world doesn't owe you a thing

あの事故以来、お前は変わっちまったって言うけど 金でもあげれば、気分よくなるんじゃないか? よく考えれば、ビリーおじさんの言ってたことは正しかった 弁護士どもを殺そうぜ、今晩中に 働きたくない、王様のように生きたいんだろ? でも、この世の中はお前に何もくれないんだ

Get over it Get over it If you don’t wanna play then you might as well quit Get over it, get over it

忘れろ 忘れろ 遊びたくないなら、辞めてしまえばいい 忘れろ、忘れろ

It's like going to confession every time I hear you speak You're making the most of your losing streak Some call it sick, but I call it weak Yeah, yeah, yeah

お前と話をするたびに、懺悔してるみたいだ 負け惜しみを言ってるんだ 病気だって言う人もいれば、弱っちいだって言う人もいる ああ、ああ、ああ

Yeah, you drag it around like a ball and chain You wallow in the guilt, you wallow in the pain You wave it like a flag, you wear it like a crown Got your mind in the gutter, bringing everybody down You bitch about the present and blame it on the past I'd like to find your inner child and kick its little ass

重荷みたいに引きずり回してるんだな 罪悪感に浸り、苦しみに浸り 旗みたいに振って、王冠みたいに被って 心の底が汚れてる、みんなを落胆させてるんだ 過去を責め、現在を嘆いてる お前の内なる子供を見つけて、蹴っ飛ばしてやりたい

Get over it Get over it All this bitching and moaning and pitching a fit Get over it, get over it

忘れろ 忘れろ この愚痴こぼし、泣き叫び、かんしゃくを起こすのは 忘れろ、忘れろ

Get over it Get over it It's gotta stop sometime, so why don't you quit? Get over it, get over it

忘れろ 忘れろ いつかは止めなきゃいけない、だから辞めちまえよ 忘れろ、忘れろ



Eagles の曲

