Best Friend’s Brother


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I call you up when I know he's at home I jump out of my skin when he picks up the phone Why can't I tell if he's looking at me? Should I give him a smile? Should I get up and leave?

彼が家にいるって分かると、すぐに電話をかけるの 彼が電話に出ると、心臓がドキドキしちゃう 彼が私を見てくれてるのか、よく分からない 笑顔を見せるべき?それとも立ち去るべき?

I know it's strange, I don't know what I'm thinking But is it wrong if I see him this weekend? I really hope I can get him alone I just don't, don't want her to know

変だって分かってる、自分が何を考えてるか分からない でも、今週末に彼に会っても悪いこと? 彼と二人きりになれるといいな ただ、彼女に知られたくないの

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah My best friend's brother is the one for me Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah A punk rock drummer and he's six foot three I don't want to, but I want to 'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind and Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah My best friend's brother is the one for me

そう、そう、そう、そう 親友の弟こそ私にとって運命の人 そう、そう、そう、そう パンクロックのドラマーで、身長は183センチ 本当はダメだけど、でも、彼のこと忘れられないの そう、そう、そう、そう 親友の弟こそ私にとって運命の人

B-F-B, B-F-B My best friend's brother My best friend's brother

B-F-B、B-F-B 親友の弟 親友の弟

I kinda think that I might be his type 'Cause when you're not around he's not acting too shy Sometimes I feel like he might make a move Is this all in my head? I don't know what to do

私は、もしかしたら彼のタイプかもしれないと思ってる だって、あなたがいないと彼はそんなに恥ずかしがらないんだもん 時々、彼が何かするんじゃないかって気がする 私の頭の中だけ?どうしたらいいか分からない

I know it's strange I don't know what he's thinking But is it wrong if I see him this weekend? I really hope I can get him alone I just don't, don't want her to know

変だって分かってる、彼が何を考えてるか分からない でも、今週末に彼に会っても悪いこと? 彼と二人きりになれるといいな ただ、彼女に知られたくないの

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah My best friend's brother is the one for me Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah A punk rock drummer and he's six foot three I don't want to, but I want to 'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind and Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah My best friend's brother is the one for me

そう、そう、そう、そう 親友の弟こそ私にとって運命の人 そう、そう、そう、そう パンクロックのドラマーで、身長は183センチ 本当はダメだけど、でも、彼のこと忘れられないの そう、そう、そう、そう 親友の弟こそ私にとって運命の人

B-F-B, B-F-B My best friend's brother My best friend's brother B-F-B, B-F-B My best friend's brother My best friend's brother

B-F-B、B-F-B 親友の弟 親友の弟 B-F-B、B-F-B 親友の弟 親友の弟

'Cause he's such a dream, yeah And you know what I mean If you weren't related

だって彼は夢みたい、そうでしょ 私の言いたいことがわかるでしょう? もしあなたが親戚じゃなかったら

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah My best friend's brother is the one for me Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah A punk rock drummer and he's six foot three I don't want to, but I want to 'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind and Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah My best friend's brother is the one for me

そう、そう、そう、そう 親友の弟こそ私にとって運命の人 そう、そう、そう、そう パンクロックのドラマーで、身長は183センチ 本当はダメだけど、でも、彼のこと忘れられないの そう、そう、そう、そう 親友の弟こそ私にとって運命の人

B-F-B, B-F-B My best friend's brother, my best friend's brother B-F-B, B-F-B My best friend's brother, my best friend's brother

B-F-B、B-F-B 親友の弟、親友の弟 B-F-B、B-F-B 親友の弟、親友の弟



Victorious Cast の曲

