Dancing in the Street


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Okay Tokyo, South America, Australia, France, Germany, UK, Africa

さあ 東京、南アメリカ、オーストラリア、フランス、ドイツ、イギリス、アフリカ

Calling out around the world Are you ready for a brand-new beat Summer's here and the time is right For dancing in the street

世界中に呼びかける 真新しいビートの準備はいいかい? 夏が来た、今がその時だ 街で踊ろう

They're dancing in Chicago (Dancing in the street) Down in New Orleans (Dancing in the street) In New York City (Dancing in the street)

シカゴで踊ってる(街で踊ろう) ニューオーリンズでも(街で踊ろう) ニューヨークシティでも(街で踊ろう)

All we need is music, sweet music There'll be music everywhere They'll be swinging, swaying, records playing Dancing in the street, oh

必要なのは音楽だけ、素敵な音楽 どこにでも音楽が溢れる みんなスウィングして、揺れて、レコードが鳴り響く 街で踊ろう、おお

It doesn't matter what you wear Just as long as you are there So come on, every guy, grab a girl Everywhere, around the world

何を着ていても構わない そこにいるだけでいい さあ、みんな、女の子を誘って 世界中で、さあ

They'll be dancing, dancing in the street (Dancing in the street) It's an invitation across the nation, a chance for folks to meet They'll be laughing and singing and music swinging Dancing in the street

みんな踊る、街で踊る (街で踊ろう) 国中への招待状、人々が出会うチャンス 笑い、歌い、音楽がスウィングする 街で踊ろう

Philadelphia, PA (Dancing in the street) Baltimore in DC now (Dancing in the street) Don't forget the motor city (Dancing in the street) On the streets of Brazil (Dancing in the street) Back in the USSR (Dancing in the street) Don't matter where you are (Dancing in the street)

フィラデルフィア、ペンシルバニア(街で踊ろう) 今すぐワシントンD.C.のボルチモアへ(街で踊ろう) モーターシティも忘れずに(街で踊ろう) ブラジルの街角で(街で踊ろう) ソ連に戻って(街で踊ろう) どこにいても構わない(街で踊ろう)

All we need is music, sweet music There'll be music everywhere They'll be swinging, swaying, records playing Dancing in the street, oh

必要なのは音楽だけ、素敵な音楽 どこにでも音楽が溢れる みんなスウィングして、揺れて、レコードが鳴り響く 街で踊ろう、おお

It doesn't matter what you wear Just as long as you are there So come on every guy, grab a girl Everywhere, around the world

何を着ていても構わない そこにいるだけでいい さあ、みんな、女の子を誘って 世界中で、さあ

They'll be dancing, dancing in the street (Dancing in the street) Way down in L.A., everyday Dancing in the street (Dancing in the street) Cross in China too, me and you Dancing in the street (Dancing in the street)

みんな踊る、街で踊る (街で踊ろう) ロサンゼルスの街で、毎日 街で踊ろう(街で踊ろう) 中国へも行こう、君と僕で 街で踊ろう(街で踊ろう)

Don't you know they'll be dancing Dancing in the street (Dancing in the street) Don't you know they'll be d-d-d-d-dancing Dancing in the street (Dancing in the street)

みんな踊ってるって知ってるだろ 街で踊ろう(街で踊ろう) みんな踊ってるって知ってるだろ、踊、踊、踊、踊ってる 街で踊ろう(街で踊ろう)





