
Etienne is a spoken outro by Ethel Cain, the lyrics details a story of someone trying to induce a heart attack to end his life. After running for days, he gave up on wanting to die

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So he decided the best way to end his life was to have a heart attack He thought he could induce the heart attack by running a very fast way for a sizable distance Going as far as he could until he dies So he set out to run as hard as he could He ran and he ran until he was exhausted and he collapsed But he didn't die So the next night he tried the same thing and he ran again And he still didn't die So he tried again the third night And then the fourth and the fifth And after this had been going on for a week He felt so good that he didn't want to kill himself anymore

それで彼は、心臓発作を起こして自分の人生を終わらせるのが最善だと決めた。 相当な距離を猛スピードで走れば心臓発作を誘発できると考えた。 死ぬまでできる限り遠くまで行くつもりだった。 それで彼は、できる限り激しく走り出した。 彼は走り続け、疲れて倒れた。 しかし彼は死ななかった。 それで次の夜、彼は同じことを試して再び走った。 それでも彼は死ななかった。 それで彼は三日目の夜に再び試した。 そして四日目、五日目も。 これが一週間続いた後 彼は気分が良くなり、もはや自殺したくなくなった。



