he had it comin’


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Met a boy it was love at first sight Said he'd only see one at a time Which was nice but that shit was a lie, was a lie

ある男性と出会って、一目惚れしたの 彼は一度に一人しか愛さないって言うのよ それは素敵だったけど、嘘だったのよ、嘘だったの

Had a wife and a thing on the side (Side) Where the fuck did he find all the time (Time) When he was sleeping at mine (Mine) Where did he find all the time (Time) Now, what was I supposed to do?

妻と不倫相手がいたのよ (不倫相手) どこでそんなに時間を見つけたのよ (時間) 私の家で寝ていたのに (私の家) どこでそんなに時間を見つけたのよ (時間) 一体どうすればよかったのよ?

He had it comin' He had it comin' He only had himself to blame (Self to blame) If you would've been there If you would've seen it I bet you, you would have done the same

彼は自業自得よ 彼は自業自得よ 彼は自分のせいよ (自分のせい) もしあなたがそこにいたら もしあなたが見ていたら きっとあなたも同じことをしたでしょう

Tell me what you would've done Hit him with the hit and run Didn't wanna hurt no one So I just slid in his DM, your best friend That's all I did, I'm innocent

あなただったらどうしたのか教えて 彼にひき逃げでもしたのかしら 誰かを傷つけたくないのよ だから彼のDMにメッセージを送ったの、あなたの親友に それだけよ、私は悪くないわ

Had a wife and a thing on the side (Side) Where the fuck did he find all the time (Time) When he was sleeping at mine (Mine) Where did he find all the time (Time) Now, what was I supposed to do?

妻と不倫相手がいたのよ (不倫相手) どこでそんなに時間を見つけたのよ (時間) 私の家で寝ていたのに (私の家) どこでそんなに時間を見つけたのよ (時間) 一体どうすればよかったのよ?

He had it comin' He had it comin' He only had himself to blame (Self to blame) If you would've been there If you would've seen it I bet you, you would have done the same He had it comin' He had it comin' He only had himself to blame (Self to blame) If you would've been there If you would've seen it I bet you, you would have done the same

彼は自業自得よ 彼は自業自得よ 彼は自分のせいよ (自分のせい) もしあなたがそこにいたら もしあなたが見ていたら きっとあなたも同じことをしたでしょう 彼は自業自得よ 彼は自業自得よ 彼は自分のせいよ (自分のせい) もしあなたがそこにいたら もしあなたが見ていたら きっとあなたも同じことをしたでしょう



Ariana Grande の曲
