That shit was wack as fuck
I was like, 'You won. Why are you posting your text message? Just chill. Take your W, and if you feel you didn't deserve it, go get better — make better music. It felt cheap. It didn't feel genuine. Why do that? Why feel guilt? You think those guys would pay homage to you if they won?
俺は思ったよ。『お前が勝ったんだ。なんでテキストメッセージを投稿するんだ?落ち着けよ。勝利を受け入れろ、もしそれに値しないと感じるなら、もっとうまくなれよ - もっといい音楽を作れ。安っぽく感じた。本物じゃないと感じた。なぜそんなことをする?なぜ罪悪感を感じる?もし彼らが勝ったら、お前を称えると思うか?』
This is how the world works: He made a brand of music that appealed to more people than me, Hov, Kanye and Kendrick. Whether people wanna say it's racial, or whether it's just the fact that he tapped into something we can't tap into. That's just how the cards fall. Own your shit
世界はこういう風に動くんだ。彼は俺、ジェイ・Z、カニエ、ケンドリックよりも多くの人々に appeal する音楽の brand を作った。人々がそれを人種差別的だと言うのか、それとも彼が俺たちが access できない何かに access したという事実だけなのか。それが運命なんだ。自分のやったことを受け入れろ
To name just Kendrick? That shit made me feel funny. No, in that case, you robbed everybody. We all need text messages!